Clever Texas couple invents device that instantly chills wine and spirits
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Clever Texas couple invents device that instantly chills wine and spirits

Jul 19, 2023


Artificial intelligence and the housing market are two hot-button topics that have been the focus of discussion in 2023. One home services provider has set out to determine what a "typical home" looks like in every state and in the nation's 30 most populated cities using an AI generator, and the results are ... interesting, to say the least.

For a typical Texas home, the AI chose a modest-looking house with a red brick exterior, a covered front porch with plenty of room for people-watching (very Southern), blue shutters, and a light blue door. And you can't forget the classic American flag that pokes in from the side of the frame – hanging off from what, we don't know.

A tall, old oak tree snakes above the perfectly mowed front yard, with a stone path leading from the street to the steps of the porch. Several trees decorate the side and back yards, providing the essential shade every Texan craves in the hot summer months.

Photo courtesy of All Star Home

The AI thinks a typical Dallas home has German influences.

This is what the AI generator thinks a home in Texas looks like.Photo courtesy of All Star Home

All Star Home, which wrote the report, additionally pulled the median home value for each state and city that was included to determine how much each home could cost. Zillow says the average Texas home is worth $302,333 as of May 2023, so that's how much this Texas home could be worth.

Other Texas cities included in All Star Home's report are Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and El Paso. Each idyllic home is unique, with both Dallas and Fort Worth sharing some German/European exterior features.

Zillow says the average Dallas home is worth $314,185 in May 2023, so homeowners will have to judge whether the AI-generated home matches that number or if it's wildly off base.